Notice of Race
J/22 Southwest Circuit , September 26-27, 2009
George Griffith Southwest Circuit Event   Rush Creek Yacht Club

J/22 Southwest District, Rush Creek Yacht Club and J/22 Fleet 66 cordially invite you to attend the George Griffith Southwest Circuit Event, a J/22 2011 Southwest Circuit Regatta to be held Sep 26, 2009 through Sep 27, 2009. This is a five race regatta with the option for a sixth race for J/22 Sailboats. This is the 5 regatta in the J/22 Southwest Circuit.

Rules:  The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined by the 2009-2012 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and is designated Category C as restricted by IJ22CA rule 2.9.8 (a). The same crew and the same three class sails must be used during the entire regatta. Substitutions can only be made with the written approval of the Protest Committee or Chief Judge. Boats shall be launched prior to 1200 (12 noon) on the first day of scheduled races. Boats (including rudders) may not be removed from the water during the regatta without the approval of the Protest Committee or Chief Judge. Sailing instructions will be distributed at registration.

Eligibility:  J/22 Class yachts in compliance with class rules will be scored.  In accordance with the J/22 Southwest District Notice of Circuit, owners and helmsmen who are not class members, boats without a valid measurement certificate or whose teams exceed the crew weight limit of 275kg in Class rule 8.9 may participate and be scored in this regatta, but their regatta finish shall not be kept for purposes of scoring in the Southwest District Circuit.

Location: The regatta will be held at Rush Creek Yacht Club.

Fees:The entry fee is $85.00 pre-registered and $99 at registration. To be eligible for pre-registration, a completed registration form must be completed online before Sep. 21, 2009. Online registration is available on the SW District website at All registration fees are payable prior to 9:00 AM on Sep 26 2009. Entry fee includes Beer, Light breakfast, Saturday Lunch for 3 persons, Saturday Dinner for 3 persons, and Sunday Lunch for 3 persons. Extra lunches can be purchased for $7.95, extra dinners can be purchased for $12.

Scoring:Five races are scheduled of which two shall be completed to constitute a series. No races will be discarded this changes Appendix A2.

Inspection & Measurements: All participants are subject to inspection and measurement at any time during the regatta. The Race Committee may, at its discretion, inspect any yacht in order to confirm compliance with the prescribed class rules concerning construction and measurements, safety rules when racing, crew prohibition and restrictions when racing. Class royalty tags must be present on all sails.

Sep. 25, 2009 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Registration
Sep. 26, 2009 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Registration
  9:30 a.m. Skippers Meeting
  10:30 a.m. First Signal, up to 4 races to follow. 4th Race option must be agreed upon by the Current PRO and Local Fleet Representative. No warning signal will be made after 17:00
Sep, 27, 2009 9:30 a.m. First Signal.
A Class Flag will not be made after 12:00 PM


Comfort Suites , Rowlett, 8701 E. Interstate 30, I-30 @ Dalrock Road (at the fork in the middle of the lake) 972-463-9595 or

Several motels/hotels are located within minutes in the Rockwall area. In addition, The Hilton at Bella Harbor (right off Interstate-30 in Rockwall) is offering a 15% discount off of published rates to J22 NA regatta participants. Reservations are available via the web ( or by calling 1-800-HILTONS. The discount code is N1.

Best Western, Garland, 1635 E I30 (Interstate 30 @ Chaha Road on I30 west of Ray Hubbard), 972-303-1601 or 800-528-1234

Holiday Inn Express , Rockwall, Interstate 30 @ FM 205 (12 miles east of I-635 - NE Corner), 972-722-3265

Rockwall Super 8, Rockwall, Interstate 30 @ FM 205 (12 miles east of I-635 - NE Corner), 972-771-9922 or 972-722-9922

LaQuinta Inn and Suites Rockwall, Rockwall, Interstate 30 @ FM 740, 972-771-1685


Rush Creek Yacht Club (RCYC) is located east of Dallas on the south-eastern shore of Lake Ray Hubbard, almost half-way between Interstate 30 and US 80.

From I-30:

Exit FM 740 (Ridge Road). Proceed south past the stop light at Horizon Rd. (Ekerd's on the right) for 2.5 miles to 3-way stop at junction with FM 1140. Turn left (FM740/Laurence Dr.) and proceed for 2 miles to 4-way stop in Heath (at Mobil convenience store). Turn right (FM 740). At next 4-way stop (near firehouse) go straight. Continue on Hubbard Drive for 1 mile to Rush Creek Drive. Turn right on Rush Creek Drive for 1 mile to RCYC.

From US 80:

Exit FM 460. Proceed north for 1 mile to stop sign at junction with FM 740. Turn left and follow FM 740 north for 4.6 miles to 4-way stop in Heath. Turn left on Hubbard Drive for 1 mile to Rush Creek Drive. Turn right; continue on Rush Creek Drive for 1 mile to RCYC.

Contact: For additional information contact

Rob Johnston 214 587 7559