2011 North Carolina Offshore Championship
Neuse Yacht Racing Association |

PHRF Spinnaker (9 boats)

Race 4 | May 29, 2011
Race Information: Start Date/Time = May 29, 2011 11:05:00, Length (NM) = 4, A: 650 B: 550
Sail SkipperBoatClubRatingDiv.Finish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
150714Wiley Price Tom Tom TaxiPSC 78 A 12:11:31 01:06:31 01:08:51 /0.00 1
252939Robin Team TeamworkNYRA 42 A 12:09:26 01:04:26 01:10:45 /0.00 2
352257Eddy Parker Brown Eyed GirlNYRA 84 A 12:17:31 01:12:31 01:14:21 TIE/3.00 3.5
412PAUL LOCKWOOD New York TimesODC, CBYRA owner=BBSC 93 A 12:18:33 01:13:33 01:14:21 TIE/3.00 3.5
534060Mark Baldridge The EdgePSC 129 B 12:22:56 01:17:56 01:14:36 /0.00 5
6524Randy Boyles Rocket JPSC 141 B 12:25:25 01:20:25 01:15:39 /0.00 6
755David Furna White SnakeBlackbeards 90 A 12:19:42 01:14:42 01:15:52 /0.00 7
841958Mark Brennesholtz Compass RoseNYRA 153 B 12:28:34 01:23:34 01:17:16 /0.00 8
910830Simo Waananen DivineODC 54 A 12:23:15 01:18:15 01:24:13 /0.00 9

Wind speed 4.1 to 8.3; Wind bearing 165; seas 1-2 feet; Speed as VMG of winning boat: 3.1k

Race Information: Start Date/Time = May 29, 2011 11:05:00, Length (NM) = 4, A: 650 B: 550
Principal Race Officer: Joleen Rasmussen

Information is provisional and subject to modification

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