APPLICATION - US Sailing Reach Initiative / STEMcation Newport, RI : US SAILING

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Calling all Reach Students: Sail Through STEM with a US Sailing STEMcation in Newport, RI including the Volvo Ocean Race Newport Stopover (5/10 -5/15) – Apply Now

US Sailing’s Reach Initiative is excited to provide two Reach students with an experience at the Volvo Ocean Race Newport Stopover. Two US Sailing Reach Initiative students ages 13-16 will be selected to travel to Newport, RI Thursday, May 10th, 2018 through, Tuesday May 15th, 2018 for a STEM/sailing experience of a lifetime. The students will enjoy four action packed  days and nights at the stopover filled with local STEM & sailing experiences. They will join two students from the Endeavour Community Sailing Program in Bermuda as a result of US Sailing’s partnership with the America’s Cup Endeavour Program.

The two students and a chaperone will be hosted by a local sailing family in Newport, RI for the duration of their stay. Thanks to support of US Sailing donors, US Sailing’s Reach Initiative will cover flights, food, local travel, and admission to museums & exhibits. US Sailing staff will be onsite in Newport to oversee local travel and facilitate where needed throughout the experience.



  • Two youth applicants and one chaperone per application (all three people must be interested to apply)
  • Both students must have participated in the US Sailing Reach Initiative at sailing center or school
  • Both students must be ages 13-16 years old
  • One adult chaperone (parent/ guardian/ coach) age 23 and above willing to stay with a local homestay with both applicants through the duration of the trip (5/10/2018 –  5/14/2018)
  • Applicants must have a passion for sailing with an interest in science, technology, and environmental stewardship.
  • Parent/ Guardian permission to apply and travel to Newport, RI.
  • Letter of Recommendation from your Sailing Center or School



  • Applications Open March 9th, 2018
  • Applications Close March 27th, 2018 Midnight
  • Notifications by April 4th, 2018

 Student Expectations

  • Students will conduct themselves in a mature and professional manner at all time.
  • Students will submit a 1-2 page Reflection Blog or video within two weeks of the STEMcation.
  • Students will participate in US Sailing Social Media (video, photos, twitter, Instagram, etc)

 Chaperone Expectations


  • You are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of your students/ participants at all times.
  • You should be with the students at all times.
  • You are responsible for being a role model to our students.
  • You will need to complete Safe Sport, a two hour online on student safety.

  Completed Applications Must Include the Following

  1. Student 1 Applicant Form  
  2. Student 1 Letter of Recommendation
  3. Student 2 Application Form
  4. Student 2 Letter of Recommendation
  5. Chaperone Form

 Steps to Completing the Application Process

  1.  Download the 2018 Reach Student STEMcation Application Packet
  2. Identify Student 1 Applicant, Student 2 Applicant, and Chaperone
  3. Students have school or sailing center write a letter of recommendation on their behalf.
  4. Letters of Recommendation should include the following:
    1. Reach Program Instructor first & last name, phone, and email
    2. Date & location they completed the Reach Educator Course
    3. Student applicant first and last name
    4. Name of sailing organization or school
    5. Explanation of why they are recommending the applicant for the 2018 US Sailing Reach Student STEMcation
  5. Save Letter of Recommendation as file name: student last name_LetterofRec - example: Roberts_LetterofRec
  6. Save completed Application Packet file name: student1 last name_ student 2 last name_ ApplicationPacket - example: Roberts_Sullivan_ApplicationPacket
  7. Once both students have their letters of recommendation (pdf), and a completed application packet they are ready to submit their application online.


Steps to Submitting your Completed Application

  1. Go to:
  2. Complete the basic application fields
  3. Upload the 2018 US Sailing Reach Student STEMcation Application Packet (file name: student1 last name_ student 2 lastname_ ApplicationPacket)
  4. Upload the (2) letters of recommendation: file names: last name_LetterofRec.pdf, 1 per student,  pdf files only)
  5. Upon completion you will receive a confirmation email.


Please contact Jessica Servis, Outreach & Education Manager at US Sailing with questions. Email: Phone: (401) 266-9345

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