2014 CRA Beer Can Series
Cortez Racing Association |

Non-Spin I, Division (18 boats)

Race 5 | June 25, 2014
Race Information: Start Date/Time = June 25, 2014 18:30:00, Length (NM) = 2.1
Sail SkipperBoatClubRatingFinish TimeElapsedCorrectedPenalty Pts
12Michael Smith AccordCRA/Anchorage Yacht Club 105 19:11:29 00:41:29 00:37:48 /0.00 1
267316George Saunders SpellbinderSDYC 120 19:14:49 00:44:49 00:40:37 /0.00 2
377845Sal Ortiz SCHOCK N AWECRA 120 19:15:33 00:45:33 00:41:21 /0.00 3
437600Mick Moore MasqueradeSGYC 120 19:16:35 00:46:35 00:42:23 /0.00 4
527PLAMEN YANAKIEV MAISTROCRA 117 19:17:22 00:47:22 00:43:16 /0.00 5
6can 12Steven Dente VivaceCRA 81 19:17:11 00:47:11 00:44:21 /0.00 6
745007Charles Schmidt VanquishCRA / Royal Malta YC 75 19:19:16 00:49:16 00:46:38 /0.00 7
846766David Folsom Rebel MaidSDYC 125 19:21:35 00:51:35 00:47:12 /0.00 8
97421Mike Rettie CocktailPewaukee yc and CRA 120 19:24:22 00:54:22 00:50:10 /0.00 9
1070053Lake McGuire SirenCRA 90 19:24:22 00:54:22 00:51:13 /0.00 10
1160529Lorenzo Colarossi atsa my yachtcra 120 19:27:48 00:57:48 00:53:36 /0.00 11
1241Stephen Jordan ChowdahCRA 120 19:29:40 00:59:40 00:55:28 /0.00 12
1367323George Karris Wai'laniSWYC 126 19:30:27 01:00:27 00:56:02 /0.00 13
1497965Jay Sorensen Broad ReachCRA 114 19:31:02 01:01:02 00:57:03 /0.00 14
1552760Robert Madruga WindsomeCRA 81 19:31:15 01:01:15 00:58:25 /0.00 15
1632636William Quealy RagazzaCRA 117 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNS/0.00 17
1797674Arthur Slater CelelrityCRA 96 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNC/0.00 19
187705Israel Adato IncommunicadoCRA 60 NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME DNC/0.00 19

Race Information: Start Date/Time = June 25, 2014 18:30:00, Length (NM) = 2.1
Principal Race Officer: Colleen Cooke

Information is final.

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