    Skipper Club Sail# Boat Name Fleet / Division Make/Model Rating Date Entered
1. Tim Rosbrook
SSC 5113 - Portsmouth / - - / - 89.6 06/04/2021
2. Garrett Hauschild
North Hauschild
North Hauschild
Cynthia Hauschild
Skaneateles Sailing Club 297 Sweetwater Portsmouth / - Johnston / J22 82.7 07/31/2021
3. Jim Bright
SSC 576 CINNER Portsmouth / - - / J70 75 05/05/2021
4. James Nighan
Margot McCormick
Skaneateles Sailing Club 760 Lift! Portsmouth / - Custom Flex / Flying Scot 89.6 05/05/2021
5. Caleb King
Skaneateles Country Club Varies Peggy Portsmouth / - J24 / J24 80.8 06/24/2021
6. Robert Hamlin
SSC 5418 Mary Portsmouth / - - / Flying Scot 89.6 06/02/2021
7. Lucy Fleckenstein
Rebecca Fleckenstein
Skan Sail Club 14968 Witch of the Wave Portsmouth / - Nichols / Lightning 87 09/03/2021
8. Rebecca Fleckenstein
Skan Sail Club 353535 Siren Portsmouth / - LP / Sunfish 99.6 06/27/2021
9. Mark Fleckenstein
Skan Sail Club 5363 Apfel Portsmouth / - FS Inc / Flying Scot 89.6 06/27/2021
10. jim Pecori
George Smith, Mark Fleckenstein
SSC 392 dire straits Portsmouth / - johnstone / J70 - 06/27/2021
11. Norman Richter
Skaneateles 1092 Moonlighting Portsmouth / - J Boats / J22 82.7 06/03/2021
12. Scott Laundry
Ethan Laundry
Ethan Laundry
Skaneateles Sailing club 5232 Miss L Portsmouth / - Nickels / Buccaneer 18 86.9 06/04/2021
13. kirk reynolds
Skaneateles sailing association ? - Portsmouth / - - / J24 80.8 08/12/2021
14. Thomas Wise
Anita Aboulafia
Skaneateles Sailing Club 10624 - Portsmouth / - Vanguard / Laser 2 92.8 07/30/2021
15. Richard Wiles
none 683 Richard Wiles Portsmouth / - JBoat / J22 82.7 06/05/2021
16. William Spalding
Scuttlebutt Sailing Club 118 Tremolino 23 Portsmouth / - Tremolino Boat Co. / Tremolino 23 w/SP&MN adjustmen 80.1 07/03/2021
17. Caleb king
na 123 - Portsmouth / - - / - - 07/03/2021