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DATE CHANGE: Due to signicant winter storms in the San Bernardino Mountains and delayed construction in the Model Boat Area on Lake Gregory, in Crestline, CA, LGYC has moved the event date to Saturday July 8th, 2023. (Original date was May 13th,2023).
The 93rd Annual SCYA Midwinter Regatta hosted by SCYA member clubs from Morro Bay to Baja Mexico will conclude with Lake Gregory Yacht Club!!!
July 8th, 2023 is SCYA Midwinter date for DF95s, RC Lasers and V-32 Radio Controlled racing in Crestline, CA.
Please note that registration is limit to the first fifteen boats registered in a given class. Registration is "complete" when $15 entry fee has been paid on line.
Registration is now open and available online via Regatta Network. Click the link below to begin your registration:
Please note: Form will launch in a new window. Please disable pop-up blockers if you are having issues.
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