West Dennis Yacht Club Invitational : West Dennis Yacht Club

About Event

West Dennis YC is once gain excited to host our annual regatta. This one day event is packed with racing, food, and fun. WDYC Invite offers both Opti Championship and Opti Green fleets. It also offers Club 420 and a non-spinnaker, non-trap division of the Club 420, which is ideal for those sailors moving up to the C420 for the first time.

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News & Notices

  • Jul 06, 2014 15:10 EST

    Good afternoon sailors, In an effort to make registration go more smoothly, we are requiring all registrants to enter proper sail numbers and divisions into their on-line registration BEFORE arriving at West Dennis tomorrow. Here are two issues that we want to avoid: 1) Many of you signed up using "TBD" or "XXX" as your sail number. By now, you should know what your sail number is. Please edit your registration to reflect the new number. 2) Last year, there were several C420 sailors who wanted to switch from one divsion (C420 or C420 no-spins/no-traps) to the other division once they arrived. We request that any such changes be made prior to tomorrow morning. Below is the link to your registration page. Please take the time and effort to make sure that your registration is complete before tomorrow. And remind your friends that registration closes at 0600 tomorrow. We will not be accepting walk-ins this year. Thank you for your cooperation. We are looking forward to seeing you in West Dennis tomorrow. ...

  • Jun 21, 2014 12:03

    Event site launched on Regatta Network ...

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